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研究巴哈重要書目 II
A 聖詩 (Chorales)[1]:
Ashby, A. B. The Pianist's Book of Bach
Chorales, one Hundred Chosen from Terry's complete Edition. New
York : Oxford University, n. d. (無出版年)
Bach, Carl Philipp Emmanuel and Johann Philipp
Kirnberger. 371 Vierstmmige horalesange fur Klaveroder Orgel Harmonium.
Leipizig : Breitkopf and Hartel, 1785-1787, 1804 (2nh ed.), 1831, 1843,
(3rd & 4th revised ed. by Carl Ferdinand Becker), 1897 (5th ed. edited
by Ernst Naumann).。
Bach, Johann Sebastian. A Book of 27 Chorales :Vassar
Choral Music, a Miscellany of part Songs for Women's Voices, a Capella.
New York : Shirmer, 1933.
Bach, Johann Sebastian. Chorales. Edition from
the Bachgesellschaft. New York : Lea Pocket Scores, 1955.
Barlow, John Herbert. The Bach Chorale Book : A
Collection of Hymns Set Exclusively to Chorales, harmonised by J. S.
Bach. New York : H. W. Gray, 1992
Boyd, Charles N. and Albert Riemenschneider.
Chorales (2 vols. ) New York : Schirmer, 1939-1941.
Buszin, Walter E. 101 Chorales Harmonised by Johann
Sebastian Bach. Chicago : Hall & McCreary, 1952.
Buszin, Walter E. Anniversary Collection of Bach
Chorales : A Selected Group of Sacred Choral Songs in the Original
Settings of Johann Sebastian Bach (2 vols.) Chicago : Hall & McCreary,
Button, Henry Elliot. Chorales, Harmonized by Johann
Sebastian Bach : Collected and Arranged in Melodic Order. London :
Novello, 1922.
Button, Henry Elliot. Chorales, Harmonised by Johann
Sebastian Bach : Collected and Arranged in Melodic Order by H. Elliot
Button, with a new Preface by Peter Williams. Borough Green : Novello,
Drinker, Henry S. ed. 389 Chorales of Johann
Sebastian Bach with English Texts. New York : Association of American
Choruses, 1944.
Erk, Ludwig Christian. Johann
Sebastian Baches Mehristimmige Chorale und Geistliche Arien. Leipzig :
C. F. Peters, 1850, 1865.
Erk, Ludwig Christian & Friedrich
Smend. Johann Sebastian Bach : Mehristimmige
Chorale Herausgegeben von Ludwig Erk. Leipzig: C.
F. Peters, 1932.
Gessner, A. Sixty Selected Four-part Chorales.
Leipzig : Breitkopf and Hartel, ?
Mainous, Frank D.; Robert W. Ottman. The 371 Chorales
of Johann Sebastian Bach. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965.
Martino, Donald. 178 Chorale Harmonizations of Johann
Sebastian Bach : A Comparative Edition for Study
(2 vols.) Newton : Dantalian, 1984.
Richter, Bernard Friedrich. 389
Vierstimmige Choralgesange. Leipzig : Breitkopf and Hartel, 1898.
Riemenschneider, Albert. 371 Harmonized Chorales
and 69 Chorale Molodies with Figured Bass. New
York: Schirmer, 1941.
Schubert, Klaus. 371 Four-part Chorales for one
Keyboard Instrument (Organ, Paino, Harpsichord): Based on the Edition of
1784-1787 (J. P. Kirnberger and C. P. E.Bach). Wiesbaden : Breitkopf &
Hartel, 1990.
Terry, Charles Sanford. A Bach Hymnbook for the
Churches Seasons; edited for use in Churches. London: Stainer & Bell,
Terry, Charles Sanford. The Four-part Chorales of J.S.
Bach : With the German Text of the Hymns and English Translations, Notes
& Critical Appendixes. Oxford :Oxford University, 1929,1964.
Webster, Mary Philips. Johann Sebastian Bach 263
Settings of 73 Chorale Melodies; Edited for Analysis & Comparison.
Cambridge, Mass : Wiscasset, 1982.
Whittaker, William Gillies. Bach Four part Chorales
Arranged for Male Voices (6 vols. in 1). New- York : Carl Fischer, 1934.
B - 聖曲(Sacred Songs) :專指
69 Schemelli’s Gesangbuch
Bach, Johann Sebastian.
Geistliche Lieder und Arienaus Schemelli’s Gesangbuch und dem Notenbuch
der Anna Magdalena Bach, fur eine Singstimme mit Klavier (Orgeloder
Harmonium). Wiesbaden : Breitkopf & Hartel, 1956.
Bach, Johann Sebastian. Lieder und Arien. edited by the Bachgesllschaft.
New York : Lea Pocket Scores, 1955.
Bach, Johann Sebastian. 69 Chorales with Figured Bass. New York : E. F.
Kalmus, 194?.
Becker, Carl Perdinand. Choral melodien 69 mit beziffertem Bass von
Johann Sebastian Bach. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel, 1832.
Pranz, Robert. Zwanzing Geistiliche Lieder Ausbearbeitet. Leipzig
: P. E. C. Leuckart, 1880.
Erk, Von Ludwig. Choralgesange und Geistliche Arien. Leipzig : C. F.
Peters, 1875.
Martin, Friedrich. Geistliche Lieder aus Schemelli’s Gesangbuch und dem
Notenbuch der Anna Magdalena Bach Ausgewahit. - Wiesbaden : Breitkopf,
Riemenschneider, Albert. 371 Harmonized Chorales and 69 Chorale Melodies
with Figured Bass. New York: Schirmer, 1941.
Roth, Herman. 25 Geistliche Lieder. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, 1935.
Seiffert, von Max. Johann Sebastian Bach's Gesange zu Schemelli's
Musicalischem Gesangbuch. Berlin : L. Liepmannssohn, 1925.
Sundberg, John. 32 Hengellistalaulua. Porvoo :Werner Soderstorm
Osakeyhito, 1925.
Troutbeck. Twenty Sacred Songs, Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach.
London : Novello, 1889.
Bighley, Mark S. The Lutheran Chorales in the Organ Works of J. S. Bach.
St. Louis : Concordia, 1986.
Boyd, Malcolm. Harmonizing Bach Chorales. London : Barrie & Jenkins,
Chiapusso, Jan. "The Chorales" 取自 Bach's World中 , pp. 197 - 208. -
Bloomington : Indiana University, 1968.
Connor, Mary J. B. Gregorian Chant and Medieval Humn Tunes in the works
of J. S. Bach. Washington : Catholic University of America, 1957.
David, Hans T. "The Four-part Chorales" 取自 The Bach Reader : A
Life of Johann Sebastian Bach in Letters and Documents 中 pp. 270 - 274.
- by Hans T. David and Arthur Mendel. - New York : W. W. Norton, 1945,
Drinker, Henry Sandwith. Texts of the Chorale Works of Johann Sebastian
Bach in English Translation Showing the Use of the Melodies Elsewhere
and Organ works and a Musical Index to the Melodies. New York :
Association of American Colleges Art Program, 1942.
Robin, Augusta. J. S. Bach : The Modern Composer (Chorales). Boston :
Crescendo, 1976.
Schaefer, Edward. Bach for Catholics : Using Chorales in the Liturgy.
Washington, D. C. : Pastoral, 1987.
Schweitzer, Albert. "The Origins of the Chorale Texts and the Chorales
Melodies" 取自 J. S. Bach, v. l, pp. 4-24, "The Chorales in the
Church Service", 取自 J. S.Bach v. 2, pp. 24-40. New York : Dover, 1966.
Spitta, Philipp. "The Chorale Collections中The Ecclesiastical Modes, and
Baches Relation Them"取自Johann Sebastian Bach (5 vols.) 中 pp. 108-134.
New York: Dover, 1952.
Stiller, Gunter. "Prolegomena to Baches Creativity Relation to the Hymn"
Johann Sebastian Bach and Liturgical life in Leipzig, pp. 223 - 254. St.
Louis, Concordia, 1984.
Terry, Charles Sanford. Chorals (3 vols.). Oxford : Oxford University,
1915-1921. v.l The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Passions and
Oratorios, 1915. v.2 The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Cantatas and
Motet, 1917.V.3 The Hymns and Hymn Melodies of the Organ Works, 1921.
Warfield, Gerald and Richard M. Brooks.. Layer Dictation : A New
Approach to the Bach Chorales. New York : Longman, 1978.
Whittaker, William Gillies. "The Chorales or Plain Chant in Larger
Forms" from The Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach : Sacred and Secular,
pp. 268-313. -Oxford : Oxford University, 1959.
Williams, C. F. Abdy. "The Cantatas and the Chorale" from Bach, pp.
91-113. London : J. M. Dent, 1900.
Williams, Peter. The Organ Music of J. S. Bach : Vol. II, Works Based on
Chorales (BWV. 599-771, etc.). Cambridge : Cambridge University,
Williams, Peter. "Hymns, Hymnbooks and Singing" from The Organ Music of
J. S. Bach : vol. Ill, a Back-ground, pp. 15-20. - Cambridge :
Cambridge, 1980.
Wolff, Christopher. "On the Recognition of Bach and the Bach Chorale :
Eighteenth Century Perspectives" 取自 Bach : Essays on His Life and Music,
pp. 383-390. Cambridge : Harvard University, 1991.
Barber, Elinore and Janet Winzenburger. "Riemenschneider
Bach Library Vault Holdings : 18th Century German Publication"from
Bach : The Quarterly Journal of the
Riemenschneider Bach Institute, v. 2, no. 4, (Oct. 1971), pp. 40-42.
Boehnke, Paul B. "The Advent and Christmas Chorales
of the Orgelbuchlein : Their History and Settings" from
Diapason, v. 76, no. 5 (May, 1985), pp. 9-12.
Broyles, M.E. "Text Interpretation in Johann
Sebastian Baches Four-part Chorales" from
Revue Beige de Muscologie, v. 22 (1986), pp. 64-85.
Broyles, M. E. "Text Interpretation in the Chorale
Harmonization of Johann Sebastian Bach" from
Dissertation Abstracts, vol. 28 (April, 1968), no. 4198A.
Butler, Gregory. "J. S. Bach and the Schemelli
Gesangbuch Revisited" from Studi Musicali, v.
13 (1984), pp. 241-257.
Darter, T. "Verticle Sight-Reading Exercises : The
Bach's Chorales" from
Keyboard Magazine, v. 7 (Nov. 1981), p. 79.
Editor. "101 Chorales Harmonized by J. S. Bach" from
Notes, v. 10, (June, 1953), p. 480.
Editor. "Fifty Sacred Song Edited for Four Voices"
from Music Teacher, vo. 30 (March, 1951), p.
Eickhoff, H. J. "Bach's Chorale-Ritornello Forms"
from Music Review, v. 28, (1967), pp. 257-276.
Hodgson, Peter J. "The Use of Hymn Tunes in Large
Musical Works" from
Hymn : A Journal of Congregational Song, v. 33, no. 4 (Oct. 1982), pp.
Hutchinson, W. and L. Knopoff. "Information Theory for Musical Continu"
from Musical Theory, v. 25 (1981).
Knight, J. W. "Bach and the Music Director : Warming up on a Bach
Chorale. from Instrument, v. 41 (Dec. 1986), pp. 46-47.
Krapf, Gerhard. "Bach's Use of the Chorale as an Agent of Exegesis from
Religious Studies Theology, v. 6, no. 1 & 2 (Jan. & May, 1986), pp.
Leaver, Robin A. "Bach Hymns and Hymnbooks" from Hymn, v. 36, no. 4
(Oct. 1985), pp. 7-12.
MacCreless, P. "Ich Bin's, Ich Solte Buessen(Chorale): Syntagmaticism in
Tonal Music" from Music Theory Spectrum, v. 13, no. 2 (1991), pp.
Marshall, Robert L. "How J. S. Bach Composed Fourpart Chorales" from
Musical Quarterly, v. 56 (1970), pp. 198-220.
Moremen, Raymond. "Bach and the Living Chorale" from Union Theological
Quarterly Review, v. 5 (Jan. 1950), pp. 25-28.
Musical Editor. "Book Reviewed on The Four-part Chorales of J. S. Bach :
with the German Text of the Hymns and English Translations, Notes and
Critical Appendixed" from Journal of Church Music, v. 7, no. 6 (Feb.
1965), pp. 14-15.
Norman, T. "Bach and the Cross" from Diapason, v.74, no. 3 (March,
1983), p. 4.
Peacock, D. “Bach's Chorale Harmonisation’ from Music in Education, v.
38 (1974), pp. 74-'77.
Schildkret, D. "Toward a Correct of Fermatas in Bach's Chorales" from
Bach, v. 19, no. 3, (Fall, 1988), pp. 21-27.
Shafer, Robert E. "Passion Chorale in Bach's Works" from The American
Organist, v. 15, no. 6 (June, 1981), pp. 34-36.
Watt, R. K. "On the Origins of Bach's Chorale Texts" from American
Choral Review, v. 16, no. I (Jan. 1974), pp. 15-20.
Wicker, Vernon. "Bach, Handel and the Use of the Hymn in Their Vocal
Works" from Hymn, v. 36, no. 4 (Oct. 1985), pp. 13-23.